The Pandemic and Harlem’s Economy A team of CCNY researchers are working with the J P Morgan Chase Institute to evaluate the pandemic’s impact on Harlem and New York City’s businesses. The project was generously funded by the philanthropy arm of JPMC and the first of its kind. We are just getting started, but check out some early stuff here (you need to click on the acknowledgement to see our team). J. Max Bond Center for Urban Futures and J P Morgan Chase Institute – NYC Urban Consumer Spending and Spatial Data Analysis Grant #59298865.
Testing Moral Hazard in Medicaid Expansion Using restricted data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, I am investigating if the expansion of Medicaid as part of ACA led to an increase in routine care and physician visit and emergency care like incidence and frequency of ED visit. The project is partially funded by PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund and access was provided by the Baruch RDC.